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Home Improvement & Renovating

The Tiny Homes Takeover

The Tiny Homes Takeover

Once thought of as a novelty, tiny homes have become increasingly popular in the last few years. You will find them in backyards, cottage yards, and anywhere they fit. But what is behind the tiny home takeover? Why do some people build, rent, and sometimes even choose to live in homes that, from the outside, resemble the size of a garden shed more than a house? Pat Noble Lumber believes that the tiny home lifestyle has some great benefits. Here are some of the things you can look forward to if you’re considering a tiny home for yourself.

Size and Space

Though some consider the size of tiny homes a disadvantage, the small footprint allows you to optimize your space. Perhaps there is a parking spot that’s not being used on your property, or you’re looking for a way to make some usable space in your backyard. Wherever your preferred spot is, you can probably find a tiny home that will fit.

In spite of the size of the exterior footprint, inside tiny homes you’ll find creative uses of the small interior. A tiny home is built to give you the freedom to move, sleep, eat and live. Often you will find a ladder leading up to a loft bed. This allows the large square footage of a bed to be kept off the main level, allowing for more space for living and cooking. Ample shelf and cupboard space in the kitchen allows you room to cook. Fridges that fit under the counter are popular but it’s possible to use a full-sized appliance.

For living room space, large furniture is set against the walls, creating open floor space. Shelves and sofas are tucked under the loft bed to make use of every possible spot. A tiny home can make a great cozy escape.


The cost of a tiny home isn’t always tiny. But, in comparison to a full-sized home, the price is a fraction of the amount. Like buying a home, the more square footage and added features the home has, the higher the initial cost. What makes a tiny home different is the ability to customize your home before you purchase it.

The customization options for tiny homes are almost limitless. You can start by choosing basic details like the colour and material of the floors and walls, to installing an air conditioner or a washer and dryer. Think about what you’d like to use your tiny home for and customize it to make it your own.

Another advantage to owning a tiny home is that you’ll spend less money on utilities and, at the same time, help the environment by reducing your carbon footprint. Since everything in a tiny home is smaller, you won’t need the same intensity of light bulbs to brighten the space, or the amount of heat or cooling to make it comfortable. If you don’t live full time in your tiny home, you can shut off the power completely during the time it isn’t in use. Because of the size, fewer materials are needed to create the house, which also saves the planet’s resources.

Apart from the cheaper upfront cost, there is potential to make income from a tiny house. With the explosion of home rental sites, tiny homes have become a popular rental option for people looking to get away. It’s an attractive option for travellers because costs are usually lower. And they’re a good option for owners because they don’t have to share their main living space or do as much cleaning when guests check out.


A tiny home’s small size lends itself to portability and versatility. If you have even a small piece of property, there is probably a tiny home that will fit. But there is more to a tiny home’s versatility than simply placing it on available space.

One of the coolest features of a tiny home is the ability to travel with it. Buy a tiny home built on a trailer and when you’re ready for your next trip, just hook it up and your house travels with you. Look for electrical hookups at campsites and you can have all the comforts of your tiny home on the road. If you don’t like where you are, you can move it to another location.

People choose tiny homes for the ability to live a minimalist lifestyle. As we spend time in our homes over the years, they start to fill up with stuff. Having fewer possessions allows you greater freedom to move, and enjoy your adventures with fewer distractions. One added benefit to the size of a tiny home is the motivation to be outside and enjoy the people and nature around you.

If you need more information or have questions, visit Pat Noble Lumber. Our team is always ready to help you with what you need. We're here to assist you in any way we can.

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